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Telefy Finance Bounty Campaign | 6 weeks | Budget: 2 Million $TELE {$200k} Empty Telefy Finance Bounty Campaign | 6 weeks | Budget: 2 Million $TELE {$200k}

Sat Mar 05, 2022 9:38 pm
Telefy Finance Bounty Campaign | 6 weeks | Budget: 2 Million $TELE {$200k} 1*d3mAt__fixpiZqAnK36lYQ
The Intro
DEFI has a market capitalization of ever more than USD 150 billion, and there are possible options for the DEFI market to approach sky-high rates of success sooner. The estimated average DEX volume every month runs from 70B USD to 165B USD in 2021, implying a major leap in growth in the future years. As during the first week of January 2022, the total market capitalizations of UniSwap and Aave are around USD 15.8 billion and USD 3 billion, correspondingly. Telefy may well be possible to manufacture amazing possibilities and market capital by benchmarking its market capabilities around multi-chain DEX, loan, NFT, Tele-Pad, and Tele-Scoring solutions.
The Identified Problem
DEFI is a new, perfectly functioning technology for complex economic solutions which, of course, considerably aids in the deletion of third parties and brokerages. a segment of the historical models, However, this has been discovered, a poor understanding in judging the creditworthiness of the platform’s users potentially leads the End people to be paying high rates of interest. As of today, most DEFI solutions are running. The Lending Pool (LP). The interest rate is either fixed or variable or one that is extremely dynamic dependant on the consumption ratio. Users who own or exchange DEFI coins are also included. are not helped by any credits. Secondly, platforms that are available today allow any of the DEX, LP, NFT, and LaunchPad are examples of crypto solutions. Nevertheless, not among them.
The Solution
In a sense, TeleFy provides a means to connect trustless tele score, i.e. credit score, with every wallet. The Tele-Score services that come with the Telefy platform analyze the creditworthiness of each wallet and provide more appropriate interest rates for individuals who are reaping the benefits of the lending pool. The Tele-Score is influenced by the users’ wallet holdings and transactions, so at any moment in time, users may pay the best interest rate for the lending they choose. Tele-Score will be released as an open-source microservice that may be used by any exchanges or clients who are interested in using this service. Tele Score can be a transformative service that can transform the world most DEFI solutions lead to employment by categorizing users into several groups depending on their date of accessing the DEFI chain and other credentials.
The Features of Telefy
TELE SWAP: A multi-chain protocol that permit Subscribers to adding liquidity , swap coins by using AMM is called Tele Swap.
TELE LEND: A multi-chain and automated lending procedure that Permit subscribers to either lend or borrow using Tele Score is known as Tele Lend
TELE SCORE: A multi-chain programmable protocol for measuring user creditworthiness based on assets, transaction history, and a few other essential criteriais called Tele Score.
TELE PAD: A multi-chain model that provides the very first DEX offering (IDO) for TELE Coin holders is called Tele PAD
TELE NFT: A multi-chain NFT marketplace where you may get or trade NFT The fees for the Tele NFT protocol will be dispersed to the customers who staked is called Tele NFT

Telefy Finance Bounty Campaign | 6 weeks | Budget: 2 Million $TELE {$200k} 1*Z9jbMt6aBcJ5kM0u6vuUGw

The Roadmap

Telefy Finance Bounty Campaign | 6 weeks | Budget: 2 Million $TELE {$200k} 1*AN847p_i3T_HyWPa6qu8aA

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